
2016年7月9日 in 船运报关
国际物流与CMA(达飞轮船),MSK(马士基)合作,北非优势,卡萨布兰卡(CASABLANCA),40HQ, 45HQ加长柜,专业代理,绝对优势。
国际物流与ANL(澳航), OOCL(东方海外), CHINA SHIPPING(中海), NYK(日本邮轮), EVERGREEN(长荣航运), HYUNDAI(现代航运) 多家船公司优势合作,强势代理 布里斯班(BRISBANE),墨尔本(MELBOURNE), 悉尼(SYDNEY),威灵顿(WELLINGTON),德班(DURBAN),约翰内斯堡(JOHANNESBURG),开普敦(CAPE TOWN)等港口。 is a Class A international freight forwarder & certified NVOCC in China. The head office is located in Xiamen, and branch offices in Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Dalian, Yiwu & Fuzhou. Today we have more than 100 experienced employees, provide both air and sea freight services, container and bulk services. Among the many different logistics companies in China, we distinguish ourselves by Active, Professional, Efficient, Value-added, Cost-effective and One-stop services. As the company's name implies, our mission is to provide very "Well and Fast" logistics services.
